about me

Educational Background

[Current] PhD Candidate Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State University - Focus in Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Health Informatics, anticipated completion in 2015.
[2004] B.S. Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State University - Focus in IT Integration and Project Management.

Professional Background

[2006-2010] Johnson & Johnson, Centocor R&D - IT Project Manager and Computer Systems Validation Expert supporting research and development, clinical trials, and manufacturing.
[2004-2006] Johnson & Johnson Information Technology Leadership Management Program - Two-year rotational program including professional leadership training and work assignments within the Consumer and Pharmaceutical sectors leading IT projects for sales, marketing, manufacturing, and research and development.

Research Interests

Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Health Informatics
Electronic Health Record Systems (implementation, use, and design enhancements)
Individual and collaborative privacy practices during use of IT systems

Personal Interests

In my free time, I am a movie watcher, traveler, reader, baker, skier, runner, photographer, and graphic designer.
I love snowy days, irish pubs, m&m's, and black & white photos :)


Lab: 323 Information Sciences and Technology
Email: alisonpsu [at] gmail [dot] com
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